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Available Services

Student Health Services

Currently enrolled students are eligible for services from Student Health Services. 

The Student Health Services also provides immunizations such as MMR, Varicella, Hepatitis B, TB skin tests, Tetanus, and Influenza vaccinations. 

Medical clearance for registration 
All students are required to complete a medical history form and include verified immunization dates before registering for any classes. All medical records are confidential and may only be released by written request of the student.

Health Exams
The Health center offers physical exams required by many departments, such as ROTC, Nursing, Athletics, Internships, and Study Abroad. 

Health Education 
Health education is offered at each visit on an individual basis. The health center has brochures and pamphlets available in a wide variety of topics pertinent to college life.

Laboratory Services
The Health Center offers some in-house tests including strep throat tests, pregnancy tests, flu tests, and urinalyses. The Health Center contracts other tests out to Troy Regional Medical Center, and results are received within one to four days. A student鈥檚 personal physician may also order tests through the health center if needed. A prescription with complete orders and appropriate diagnoses is required.

Referral Services 
The Health Center provides referral information to any local agencies, for dental and eye care or for specialty care. Many special needs may be referred to Montgomery or Dothan. Mental health counseling is also available through the SAVE Project.



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