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Clinic Information


Currently enrolled students are eligible for services from the Student Health Center.

Class Excuses

The staff does NOT provide class excuses; however, if a student has visited the student health center, they are given a documentation slip that can be taken to their teacher. It is the teacher鈥檚 final decision whether or not to excuse the student. Students are expected to arrange clinical visits between classes rather than during their class schedule. Excuses from class are an academic, not a medical policy.

Student athletes may elect to receive services from the Student Health Services or from Athletic Training located on the second floor of the Stadium Tower. Arrangements may be made through the athlete鈥檚 personal trainer or by calling 670-3720.

Emergency or After Hours Services

Troy Regional Medical Center offers 24 hour emergency services. The number is 670-5000. SARHA (Southeast Alabama Rural Health Associates) on Elba Highway offers urgent care with extended evening and weekend hours. The number is 566-8822.



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