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C A Scarbough

Yatsville Cayell County [ Texas ]


April the 7  ‘78


Miss [Mollie] Sarbough


Dear Sister this being [arany (a rainy)] [sobauth (sabbath?)]   I pen you Afiew lines which will in form you of my good health    I hope when you reve this it will find mother and famly well and doing well   I have no noos [news] to Wright    Mr Wilby and famly ar well    I live in six hundred yards of him [with] agood family    I have buin [with] the family two months and ar well pleased and have not had across wo warde    I am well pleas ed with this [section] of Country   We have good socity  have preaching ever Sunday tho I have only attended on two ocations and had Miss Sally one trip with me   Since I laned     In Texas I learned to be a good silver smith which costs me Fifteen Dollars    I can do any work that is nessary in reparing [mother] ar clocks  brestpins  finger rings are in [fact] [juldry] of any kind    my condition es verry good her    Tell mother note to be uneasy about me and note look for me until I am able to go hame wright with money aplenty    I wish you to wright to me verry soon   I would like to hear from you ever month    lete me no what has become of Mr [N]eethhammer    I will close


C A Scarbough 

[Transcribed by Stacy Bryant, June 2005]

[Edited by Tina Bernath, June 2006]

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