Guide to the City of Dothan Historic Preservation Commission Records
Record Group 262
Date Span: 1995-2003 (bulk 2002-2003)
Extent: 8 file folders
Organizational Sketch: Created by Ordinance 93-397 (1993) as an official City of Dothan commission, the ten-member Historic Preservation Commission [HPC] purpose is "to establish and implement a uniform procedure [to provide] for the designation, protection, enhancement, perpetuation and use of places, districts, sites, [etc.] having a special . . . interest or value . . ." (Source: HPC By-laws, 1993)
Members of the commission represent various historic and similar organizations in the city for three-year terms. HPC holds monthly meetings.
Since 1993, the HPC has created three historic districts --the downtown district, the Houston Heights district, and the NBCAR district.
In 2021, the Historic Preservation Commission "hears and makes determinations on Certificate of Appropriateness requests" for property changes in the city's historic districts. (Source: "Historic Preservation Commission [HPC]" website, accessed March 10, 2021, )
Scope / Content: Documents actions of the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Dothan during the time of William Holman's (donor's) membership, 2002-2003. Contains member orientation materials including governing documents, guidelines, blank applications for Certificate of Appropriateness, and authorizing legislation. Collection also contains meeting minutes plus addenda (agendas, illustrations, etc.) as well as stray drawings of building changes and maps showing Dothan's three historic districts.
Provenance: Collected by HPC member William Holman (at the time, Executive Director of Dothan Landmarks Foundation, Inc.). City of Dothan possesses the official record copy of these documents. The Wiregrass Archives accepted Holman's as courtesy copies and for researcher convenience.
Preferred Citation: City of Dothan Historic Preservation Commission, RG 262, Wiregrass Archives, Troy University Dothan Campus, Dothan, AL.
Access: Open: official city records
Date processed: March 11, 2021
Processed By: MTO
File ID File Title
262-21-0310-001-001 Dothan Historic Preservation Commission Ordinance and AL State Law
262-21-0310-001-002 Dothan HPC By-Laws
262-21-0310-001-003 Meeting Minutes, 2002
262-21-0310-001-004 Meeting Minutes, 2003
262-21-0310-001-005 Member Roster, 2001, 2003
262-21-0310-001-006 Guidelines: Design and Broken Windows
262-21-0310-001-007 Certificate of Appropriateness Application and Procedure
262-21-0310-001-008 Drawings, Elevations, District Boundaries Maps
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