Human Resources
General HR Information
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People Admin is the University's employment system for applicant tracking and position management. The system can be accessed at the following links:
- FAQ for Applicants
- FAQ for Internal Users
- Training Video - currently unavailable
- User Manual
- Summary of Employment Process
- FAQ for Employment Search Procedures
- Position Requisition Form - New Positions and Vacancies
- Salary Increase or Promotion Requisition
You can call Human Resources at 334-241-9524 or 334-670-3710 with questions or for further information. Please don't hesitate to contact us if we can provide any assistance. Thank you for all you do to support 快猫成版视频.
- Background Check Policy and Procedures
- Disability Services Policy (ADA)
- Visa Policy (employment)
- Visa Procedures (obtaining employment visas)
Please contact Human Resources for guidance related to employment, reclassification, and promotion practices.