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Human Resources


General HR Information 

The Human Resources Department seeks to provide the benefit, payroll, employee relations, and policy administration services necessary for 快猫成版视频 to attract, motivate, and keep quality employees to support the ongoing university mission of coeducational, undergraduate and graduate education, and public service. 334-670-3710    
Health Insurance Notice


For optimal viewing, it is recommended that you right-click on the link and choose "Save link as" in order to download a copy of the Benefit Guide PDF file to your computer and open within Adobe Acrobat. Viewing the document in-browser may prohibit certain functionality within the Benefits Guide.

People Admin

People Admin is the University's employment system for applicant tracking and position management. The system can be accessed at the following links:



You can call Human Resources at 334-241-9524 or 334-670-3710 with questions or for further information. Please don't hesitate to contact us if we can provide any assistance. Thank you for all you do to support 快猫成版视频.

Policies and Procedures





Please contact Human Resources for guidance related to employment, reclassification, and promotion practices.


Workplace Posters

Federal and state laws require employers to display posters to ensure that employees and applicants have access to information about employment rights. Posters can be viewed online or in person at any 快猫成版视频 campus.
Federal Contractors
North Carolina
South Carolina
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