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Academic Year 2019 - 2020

Please select the college applicable to your degree program.


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College of Arts and Sciences

Anthropology Major (Semesters)

Anthropology Major (Terms)

Applied Computer Science Major (Terms)

Applied Science - Resource and Technology Management (Semesters)

Applied Science - Resource and Technology Management (Terms)

Biology Major (Semesters)

Biology Major (Terms)

Biology Education Major

Biomedical Sciences Program (Semesters)

Biomedical Sciences Program (Terms)

Chemistry Major (Semesters)

Chemistry Major (Terms)

Chemistry Major - Education

Comprehensive General Science Program

Comprehensive General Science Education Program

Computer Science Major (Semesters)

Computer Science Major (Terms)

Criminal Justice Major (Semesters)

Criminal Justice Major (Terms)

Cyber Security Program

Electronics Engineering Technology Program

Environmental Science Program

Geographic Information Sciences Major

Surveying and Geomatics Sciences Program

History Education Major

History Major - American/Latin American Concentration (Semesters)

History Major - American/Latin American Concentration (Terms)

History Major - European/Asian/African Concentration (Semesters)

History Major - European/Asian/African Concentration (Terms)

Marine Biology Program

Math Education Major (Semesters)

Math Education Major (Terms)

Math Major - Option 1 (Semesters)

Math Major - Option 1 (Terms)

Math Major - Option 2 (Semesters)

Physics Major

Physics  and Mathematics Major

Political Science Major (Semesters)

Political Science Major (Terms)

Political Science Major - International Politics (Semesters)

Political Science Major - International Politics (Terms)

Social Science Education Major (Semesters)

Social Science Education Major (Terms)

Social Science Major (Semesters)

Social Science Major (Terms)

Social Science Major - Accelerated Law

Social Science Major - Geography Concentration (Semesters)

Social Science Major - Geography Concentration (Terms)

Social Science Major - Leadership Concentration (Semesters)

Social Science Major - Leadership Concentration (Terms)

Sociology Major (Semesters)

Sociology Major (Terms)

Undecided Major (Semesters)

Undecided Major (Terms)

College of Communication and Fine Arts
College of Education
College of Health and Human Services
Sorrell College of Business
Interdisciplinary Studies



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